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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!



Last year we had Harringay’s first ever open gardens event – this post is to see if there is interest in doing it again.

The aim was for something that would appeal to a range of people, and that seemed to work very well. For some it might be that they are really keen gardeners and have a lovely garden that they want to show people and are happy to talk about. For others it will simply be about finding out what can be done with a similar space/soil/aspect to their own garden and/or showing their garden to other gardeners to get some ideas. So please don't feel that you can't join in just because you aren't an experienced gardener.

If you’re interested in reading more about last year’s event, have a look at this post/pictures here.

The way it worked was:

  • Anyone interested in opening their garden let me know what dates would work for them – I think this year we’d be looking at May/early June.
  • I compiled a list of participating gardens and gave each one an approx time slot (otherwise I can't see a way of people being able both to host a visit and have a look at a few other gardens!).
  • Everyone wrote a brief description of their garden which I then posted online (not with your address) in case people didn’t want to spend the whole day visiting gardens (as if…)
  • Anyone who wanted to visit the gardens then signed up with me and I contacted everyone by email to let them know where they were etc.  

I’m imagining a similar plan this year – I’ll try and tweak the time slots aspect as it did get a bit crowded if everyone turned up all at the same time. And if there is loads of interest we might even have to do it over a weekend...

Not all the gardens were in Harringay and that would be fine again this year (assuming they are local to Harringay) - but those that weren't tended to get slightly fewer visitors because of the extra distance.

Over you to you – let me know if you’re keen, either to visit or to open your garden, and which weekends in May/June would suit you best!

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Views: 1832

Replies to This Discussion

Looks great, look forward to seeing what you've done.
Thanks everyone. I am compiling a list, keep em coming.

Hi all

I would love to be part of this again and show my garden but I seem to have the busiest may and june ever so really only have a few specific dates I could do 

They are 4/5th May, Sat 25th May, Sat 1st june, Potentially 23rd june, 30th june and then any weekend at all in July.

Yes I also think May and June are pushing it.  My plants are only just showing signs of emerging from the ground - 4 whole weeks later than usual.  I think May is too early and I'm quite busy in June too.  July is completely free for me.

If it ends up in July, July is fine with us any weekend apart from the 6th. We can also do 1st June or 15th June too : ) 

Well done for doing this again. I was away for it last year so hope to come along this time. Our garden is far too messy to show though, maybe i can make a special effort on some of the Frobisher Rd street planters to see on the way past to view the gardens.

I don't have a garden to show but would love to visit and get some inspiration.

Ill do it this year but not until June. Infact July might be better as all my plants are only just beginning to come up!

We'd be interested in coming along. I'm afraid our garden isn't up to much but we'd love some inspiration. Maybe next year we can show ours!
June is best for us.
Hi everyone

I'm happy to consider July, given how the weather has been. Following a useful tip from Matt G (thanks Matt) I've set up a doodle poll here for June and July, grateful if those interested in taking part or visiting could visit this link and tick the dates they could make.


Brilliant - that doodle poll!!!  So easy to use and see who' available when.

I'm only a visitor but can't do Saturday 6th July, that's Gay Pride - may rule out others too. 



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