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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As promised (after a few beers) and a discussion about cyclist behaviour, a video of two random days cycling to the west end and the cyclists that insist on running red lights. Whether you think this is acceptable is up to you, but it isn’t to me.

This is what I see every day on my route and has become an acceptable part of two wheeled travel it seems.

As much as I expect excuses from the usual gang for this behaviour : ) I am posting this as proof of my everyday experiences, which may or may not be universal in London

Great music by Judas Priest by the way!

Views: 392

Location: London

Comment by Birdy_Too on April 24, 2009 at 9:22
We are not only demonising cyclists. This site is very pro cycling to the extreme of Saintliness, we needed a little balance. There are scores of threads demonising lorrys, cars and spitting, cyclists are not immune from the wrath of the HOL mafia.

It's sometimes eye opening to step back, look at our own group and get our own house in order before moaning about others. Pot, kettle, black, stones, greenhouses, organic tomatoes and all that.

Now lets get that drivers on mobile phones video started. The veranda of the OAE is a good place to start?
Comment by John McMullan on April 24, 2009 at 10:31
Boris has proposed that turning left at a red light should be allowed for cyclists. The trouble is that there are pedestrians crossing at this time and they need their own time to cross the road. Sure it's safe for the cyclist but we need to think about other vulnerable road users too.
Comment by Danzigger on April 24, 2009 at 10:32
I don't like people breaking the law. I don't like the idea that cyclists pick and choose which bits of the laws of the road apply to them. The right to be on the road is dependent on the responsibility to behave in accordance with the rules. By ignoring these rules, cyclists do damage to their right to be there.
Consequently they are perceived as a menace to "real" road users and pedestrians, and aren't given the respect and consideration that they are entitled to.
Comment by Birdy_Too on April 24, 2009 at 10:47
Sorry Gareth it’s setting a bad president, whether the individual, deems it safe or not. It is also creating ill feeling amongst road users in general and pedestrians when we should be respecting each other not selfishly be sticking the two fingers up at everyone. It’s not difficult to see why there are so many cycling related accidents in London.

I think that the proposed left turn on red for cyclists is a good one as long, as John said the cyclist watches for pedestrians.

Would you support cars, lorrys and motorcyclists to access situations and act beyond the law if the drivers “deemed it safe”? No, cyclists are no different.

There is four or five really unsafe cyclists in that clip, one nearly knocking a pedestrian over, the other nearly hitting a motorcycle.
Comment by matt on April 24, 2009 at 10:52
I think that the proposed left turn on red for cyclists is a good one as long, as John said the cyclist watches for pedestrians.

Yes, good idea but not if pedestrian crossing green man is a happening.
Comment by Anette on May 4, 2009 at 17:45
Birdy, I love you for this, thank you. I see this kind of behaviour every day.

Sanctimonious so and so's....
Comment by John McMullan on May 4, 2009 at 20:10
Thanks Anette, I guess you missed this then.
Comment by Anna Maria Dipino on May 9, 2009 at 11:49
In my area it is a regular thing with cars going through red lights.
Comment by Danzigger on June 16, 2009 at 11:26
There was a sting operation along Upper Street this morning. In the short time it took me to pass through, I saw half a dozen red-light-jumpers being stopped and, I presume, fined. Good - maybe that'll learn 'em.
What was astounding was that these coppers were in full day-glo, and were quite obviously stopping cyclists, yet some people still went through red lights right in front of them! Which says to me that they are either monumentally stupid or completely oblivious to what's going on around them - and that's no state of mind in which to tackle riding in London.
Comment by matt on June 16, 2009 at 13:54
Hope they weren't speeding as well. :)

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