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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

HoL Good Neighbour Wall of Honour

Awarded by Matt for organising the Fairland clear-up.
Person Reason for award
Ruth Care of an elderly neighbour.
Falkland Road Neighbour Stopping theft of neighbour's bike.
Claudine Visiting a neighbour to help out with a plumbing problem in response to a request for advice on HoL.
Louise, Jean & Jackie Nominated by Ron Evans for "looking after me as one of their own since my wife passed away. If they are not able to cook a dinner for me they make sure someone else will do it."
Bambos in Hewitt Road Nominated by Hugh for being a marvellous neighbour and just giving me another two bowls of bush/tree-fresh fruit from his garden.
Veli Aksu & colleagues Nominated by John D; seconded by Kit for chasing and tackling an armed robber.
Pauline S across the road Nominated by SapphireBlue for always listening, giving good advice, saving me from being locked out (numerous), feeding my cat often at short notice etc etc. She's a great neighbour, the best.
Anon residents on Green Lanes Nominated by Andrea for considerately warning posting a notice on their front door to warn neighbour of possible dust from chimney cleaning
Matt & son Awarded on behalf of Paulina for the finding and return of her very much cherished lost cat.
Osbawn Awarded by Matt for organising the Fairlands clear-up.

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Last updated: 21st April, 2011


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