Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Than you so much to everyone who kindly let us all round to have a peer at their garden, and all those people who turned out to do so, on Sunday. It was a fantastic day.

I've posted some of my photos below - do please post any of your own. Apologies to anyone whose garden was open later in the day (mine included) as I ran out of puff with my camera - I'm hoping others might have taken some.

Finally, do please post if you have any questions about a particular plant or garden. Depending on the plant in question, you might even persuade someone to sort you out a cutting or seedling or two...

So, garden 1 was in Tottenham. It was a total gem, tucked away behind what was the Carpetright that burned down two years ago in the riots. A totally inspiring example of how you do a huge amount with not a lot of space... and while keeping an eye on the cost. I took away a teeny tiny hosta that I suspect one of my slugs will just gulp down as an appetiser - but I'll try to keep it safe.

















Garden 2 was in Eade Road. Apart from being really well planned and planted what really struck me was how much it exploited the advantages of having low boundaries. Ok, it helped that the gardens on either side were lovely and that it had a lot of trees in the background - but it did make me think a whether putting up high fences is always the best approach for a small garden.

















Garden 3 was in Rutland Gardens. Fruit, herbs, salad and even some flowers too. The fruit dripping from the branches nearly stole the show for me, but then I saw this shed roof ...











Garden 4 was on Wightman Road. Let's just say not a typical Harringay garden - massive lawn, old fruit trees, a shed that once kept goats, veg beds galore - and a marquee. Here are some people having lunch, and enjoying juice produced from those same old trees.











Garden 5 aka the jungle was in Beresford Road. Huge banana trees, a pond or two, shady corners with ferns .. (apologies for this photo - I was running out of steam at this point..). The banana trees convinced my son that there was a point to growing banana trees (his view on ours until then was that it is a) ugly and b) useless (as it doesn't produce edible fruit).

















The hardy souls who were still going at this point staggered up the road to Garden 6 on Hewitt. Where we all collapsed on the lawn under a beautiful shady tree. This was another very unusually large garden, with all sorts of hidden nooks and crannies. It had lots of height levels too, which I really liked.











Then off to number 7, a front garden on Warham Rd, where lavender, sunflowers and all sorts of herbs and vegetables were making the most of the baking sun - including this fantastic hollyhock.











And that is where I gave up taking pictures completely - so I'm hoping others can fill the gap! Over to you!


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Great day indeed and thanks Alison for organising. I hope to get my photos up in the next few days.

Here's the last one, in Stapleton Hall Road - I just skidded in under the wire after a day's jumble-sale-ing.  A neat illustration of the difference between a lawn and a garden.  These are 100 foot long, south facing, with the railway line at the end, so no end in sight. Where's the jealous green Smiley?

Thanks Pam,

Our gardens here are wonderful, I agree - but they are hard work.  It was a great day, Alison, thanks for organising.  I managed to fit in 4 gardens before retiring home to watch the tennis, and then I forced Pam to watch the last 5 minutes of the match before letting her see the garden!!


I loved doing some photos for this (photography being my second passion)  I've put them here as there are quite a few. http://www.flickr.com/photos/choopalone/sets/72157634585244748/ I hope you like them and that they do all the beautiful gardens justice.



Sam - these are so fantastic, thank you.  I love the one of the astrantia in my garden (Garden 10).  Like the heron too!

I just love all yur photos. Really fabulous. Thank you for sharing them.

Great photos, what a beautiful day.

Your photos are fabulous Sam. Thank you for sharing them. Sally (garden 2)

Lovely stuff. I love the picture of the flower poking out over the roof. http://www.flickr.com/photos/choopalone/9255145383/in/set-721576345...

Great photos, almost didn't recognise our house!



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